Sign up for my FREE, live webinar

Why You Hurt: The 3-Step Shift to Understanding Your Chronic Pain

Sign up Below for one of the following dates:

October 24, 2022: 10:00am PST/1:00pm EST

November 10, 2022: 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST

December 12, 2022: 11:00am PST/2:00pm EST

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time and view our privacy policy here.

    This webinar is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health or healthcare advice.

    Although Anna Redmond is a Clinical Psychologist, licensed in the state of California, she is not acting in that capacity here.

    Anna Redmond is acting as a chronic pain educator, not as a licensed medical health professional, mental health professional,

    or in her professional capacity as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose,

    treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition. View full disclaimer.

    Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Anna Redmond, LLC owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted.

    This webinar will provide you with the foundational and most critical chronic pain education that you need to go from underactive and fearful (or overactive and crashing) to taking back the drivers seat from your pain and designing your days the way YOU want to.

    Most women with chronic pain aren't getting this education in their conventional treatment appointments. How do I know this? Because I experienced it myself and most people I've spoken to (ALL people I've spoken to) have never been given the essential knowledge about:

    Why they STILL hurt and what pain ACTUALLY is.

    Instead, they were offered fix after fix with years of little success. They've tried surgeries, procedures, medications, manual therapy, everything with disappointing results.

    Here is what you can expect to learn in this 40-minute webinar crammed with a ton of value:

    1. How we, as a society, have gotten stuck in cycle of conventional/biomedical treatments as THE approach to pain, and why it isn't working.
    2. Why pain in the world is increasing despite ALL of the treatments and money being thrown at it.
    3. The 10 minutes of education that EVERY woman with chronic pain deserves to know. Within this 10 minutes, you'll unlock the 3 shifts needed to think about pain in a new way. These shifts in thinking will reflect more updated and science-backed views and provide the foundation that you need for a more successful journey forward.
    4. What happens next in your journey of overcoming your chronic pain! With restructuring how we think about chronic pain, we can retrain, redesign, and rewire your body's response to it and I'll give you some options on how to do this.

    This webinar will completely shift the way you are understanding your pain.

    It will encourage new ways of thinking, new ways of moving, and new ways of behaving, transforming everyday moments into a journey of recovering from chronic pain.

    I can't wait to see you there!